The Pandan Leaf comes from the Screwpine Tree, which can be found in tropical areas of Asia and Europe. The plant has many uses.
Pandan Leaf is widely used in Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Islands.Thai name is Bai Toey Hom. The Screwpine tree is a perennial and needs to grow in warm, damp areas in partial sunlight. The soil must be kept moist. The tree grows to be twenty-six feet high. The leaves are used there like we use vanilla flavoring. This leaf also has medicinal properties. In ancient times, the leaves were used for making house thatching and women’s grass skirts. The fruit heads are approximately eight inches in diameter and looks like a green pineapple.
The Pandan Leaf comes from the Screwpine tree, which can be found in Madagascar, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, and the tropical areas of Australia.
The medicinal uses for this tree are as follows: The entire plant is used as a diuretic, the roots have anti-diabetic properties, and the leaves are used for treating diseases of the skin.
In cooking, the leaf is used in making grass green Pandan cake which is similar to the American sponge cake. The Pandan leaf has also been used in rice and making different type of curries.
Strips of the leaves are used in making woven baskets, which are used to serve rice or other food items.
Mid-eastern Indians use the flower of this plant in making perfume as well as desserts and sweets.
For festive holidays and ceremonies, Pandan is used with the essences of rose to flavor spicy rice dishes such as biryani.
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